Giemsa Staining
1. Make Microdetergent for cleaning slides
5mL concentrated microdetergent
250mL of water
2. Soak slides in microdetergent for 1 min.
3. Dry in a fume hood to prevent dust
4. Drop 3 drops of blood cell suspension from 24” on to a slide at 45’ angle. (see picture below) Air dry in a covered box
5. Mix staining solution
5mL 10mM K2HPO4
1.5mL GibcoBrl Karyomax Giemsa Stain
6. Flood slides with Giemsa staining solution and allow to sit for 20 min.
7. Rinse by dipping slides in distilled water
8. Dry slides and view under a bright field, oil immersion microscope
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Frozen Slide Technique:
1. Prepare slides as in 1-3 above
2. Chill slides for 20-25 minutes in –75’C freezer
3. Remove slides and immediately add 3 drops of cell suspension and blow on flat slide in one direction.